Monday, April 28, 2008

If I love You

Written by Judy Johnson
April 5, 2008

If I love You -
I will take out the trash.

If I love You -
I will drag myself from the busy morning, day or night to open
the loving Bible and sit down to read about how to love you better.

If I love You -
I will stop whatever I am doing and kneel or quietly close my eyes
and pray to be saved by your Love.

If I love You -
I will want to give up my bad habits.

If I love You -
I will regularly go to bed early to stay healthy and be nourished.

If I love You -
I will take time to chat with you.

If I love You -
I will cut my time on the computer.

If I love You -
I will wake up early, around 6 or 7 am to say 'thank you' for your wisdom.

If I love You -
I will stop worrying so much about cooking to please others.

If I love You -
I will stop watching too much T.V. and pay more attention to You.

These are 'lists' of 'If I love You's' and 'wills'.
But without Your love, I am nothing.

It is better to have Your love in me to do the things willingly
So I may find delight in serving You.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beautiful Flowers God had made...

I took my dogs for a walk. I came by and saw this flower blossomed and glittered after shower of rain that day. How beautiful it is! I wanted to share with you for a moment to bright your day.