Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Screaming! Screaming!

I was climbing up the stairs this afternoon to retrieve my favorite black jacket from my bedroom. My eyes caught something on left side to the boys' bedroom in the hall. I saw my dog sitting in the box under the warm light. I screamed at top of my lung!! The first thing came to my mind wondering, 'Did my dog eat all three duck eggs???!!??'
My dog look startled at my screaming and she stared at me from the box.

She has not made any move when I draws near. I checked the box, much to my relief the all three Mallard duck eggs that my son just recently discovered by the road (the mother Mallard duck was killed by traffic) are still there laid beside her.

While I kneeled and watched her, she made a soft nozzle nosing at these three eggs. As if she is making a new friends with these eggs. Seem that she knew the eggs are animals, and perhaps she planned to take care of the eggs. At same time, she feel so good under the warm light is big reason for her jump into the box and being roasted under the light.
I was smiling at the sweet and innocent mother dog, and then I ran downstairs to grab my camera and came back to shot the several pictures of cute sighting.


Finally after she was done nozzling at these three eggs, and laid her chin down to go sleep peacefully while guarding her new friends, duck eggs. I am happy to witness the sweet and innocent mother dog taking care of another animals. Thanked God for wonderful experience!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes - written by Ellie Green

I read this story, and got a laugh out of it and sort of sweet truth in it. I thought I would like to share with you what Ellie Green wrote.

"During a Sabbath worship service in our church in Charlotte, North Carolina, the elder assigned to lead the morning prayer asked the congregation to kneel and join him in a season of silent prayer. As everyone the the pews began kneeling, I decided to remain seated to avoid disturbing Riley, my 2-year-old granddaughter, who was comfortably snuggled in my lap with her eyes closed and her favorite pink pacifier in her mouth.

All went well for a few seconds. Then the sudden absence of sound in the sanctuary as the congregation prayed silently caused her little eyes to snap open in puzzlement. She listened intently for a moment. Then, in the continuing stillness, she sat bolt upright. For several moments she gazed at the people whose heads were bowed and eyes closed. Then, jerking the pacifier out of her mouth, she startled everyone around us by yelling at the top of her lungs, "WAKE UP!"

Riley was confused by the unexpected laughter of the worshipping saints. Looking up at me, she innocently asked, "Why is everybody laughing at me?"

I hugged her to muffle my own giggles and said, "They are laughing because you just preached the best sermon I have ever heard. And you did it in just two words!"

Riley's advice is biblical, you know. You will find it in Romans 13:11: "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." Jesus is coming soon. The signs are all around us. The world is in turmoil. The celestial clock is ticking the final countdown of the ages. This is not the time to be spiritually lethargic and apathetic! It is not the time to have our spiritual eyes closed. Jesus is coming very soon. And sometimes when we least expected it, out of the mouth of a babe and straight to our hearts comes a vital message: 'WAKE UP!"

Thank you, Riley. And thank You, Jesus. We are so glad Your coming is near."